Sunday, June 2, 2013


The respiratory system's function is to exchange gases of oxygen and carbon dioxide by the process of diffusion. Oxygen is needed for cellular respiration; Carbon dioxide is the waste product. This system includes skin, gills and lungs. There's external and internal respiration. External respiration has to do with the exchange of gases between the atmosphere and blood. For internal respiration, it's between blood and the cells of the body. Pulmonary respiration is respiration through lungs. Cutaneous respiration is respiration through skin. 
Inside the system, there's a trachea which includes cilia. Cilia is helpful because it traps dust from entering the lungs. An advantage of the respiratory system basically makes you capable of absorbing nutrients in the air and breathing out waste. 
A disadvantage of this system is inhaling chemicals, fumes, anything that can damage the lungs. The air that we breathe is of course not 100% clean, therefore any of us can catch sickness, infections or diseases. Chemicals can cause diseases. If you inhale smoke, it ends up burning your tiny bronchioles.  

Holt, Rinehart and Winston Modern Biology
Austin: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2002

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